Thursday 10 November 2011

Stairs and Railing

To create the stairs I simply created a block, and sized it to fit the pathway. I then created two clones of the block and moved them out, aligning them with there 1st block to create the stairs. After this I then went back to the first block and resized it to account for the damage. This damage will be added in later into the gap shown in the image below.

Front Stairs.
To make the stairs look authentic I made the last step slightly bigger then the other two, so that when the road began to curve, it would continue to fill the gaps between the building and the road.

The next step was to create the railing on the side of the steps. This was done by creating two rectangular shapes, along with two cylinders. These were all then placed together using the vertex snap tool, and moved to align with the stairs. The final thing to do was to bevel and extrude the top of the railing to give it a finished look.

Front Railing

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